Laser for Pigmented Lesions

Laser For Pigmented Lesions : Overview

LASER FOR PIGMENTED LESIONS laser_pigmented_lesion_method Pigmented Lesions basically refers to abnormal condition or disorder in or on the skin which changes the appearance and color of the skin as compared to the other part of the skin. Lesions or the patches are usually black or brown in color.


Pigmented lesions are those spots or moles that are caused by the excess production of the pigment called MELANIN , which is responsible for the coloration of the skin.. When the special cells producing melanin get damaged ,they start affecting the skin surface. The lesions or moles vary in different sizes, shapes and color depending on the severity and deepness of the pigmentation an individual may carry. A person may have pigmentation from birth itself or also can acquire over its life time.


A person with the pigmented lesion also feels the burning sensation and pain so without considering


Laser For Pigmented Lesions : Symptoms
  • Melasma
  • Sun tanning
  • Measles
  • Itchy Skin
  • Rashes
  • Black Burn marks
  • Redness of Skin