
Acne Overview

AcneAlthough it’s common, accurate information about acne can be scarce. This can make it difficult to get clearer skin. The information on this site can help you understand acne and how to successfully treat it.


Acne is a very common skin disease and usually erupts during 14 to 24 years of age. Acne can leave scars behind on the skin. These can be either reddish marks or much deeper zits.


Why treat acne?

Myths about acne are as common as the skin problem. One common myth is that you have to let acne run its course.

Dermatologists know that letting acne runs its course is not always the best advice.


Here’s why:

  • Without treatment, dark spots and permanent scars can appear on the skin as acne clears.
  • Treating acne often boosts a person’s self-esteem.
  • Many effective treatments are available.


More women getting acne

Not just teens have acne. A growing number of women have acne in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. Dermatologists are not sure why this is happening. But dermatologists understand that adult acne can be particularly frustrating.


Acne Signs And Symptoms


Acne Signs

Many people think that acne is just pimples. But a person who has acne can have any of these blemishes:

  • Blackheads.
  • Whiteheads.
  • Papules.
  • Pustules (what many people call pimples).
  • Cysts.
  • Nodules.

Acne can appear on the back, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks.


Acne Symptoms

Acne can cause more than blemishes. Studies show that people who have acne can have:

  • Low self-esteem: Many people who have acne say that their acne makes them feel bad about themselves. Because of their acne, they do not want to be with friends. They miss school and work. Grades can slide, and absenteeism can become a problem because of their acne.
  • Depression: Many people who have acne suffer from more than low self-esteem. Acne can lead to a medical condition called depression. The depression can be so bad that people think about what it would be like to commit suicide. Many studies have found that teens who believe that they have “bad” acne were likely to think about committing suicide.
  • Dark spots on the skin: These spots appear when the acne heals. It can take months or years for dark spots to disappear.
  • Scars (permanent): People who get acne cysts and nodules often see scars when the acne clears. You can prevent these scars. Be sure to see a dermatologist for treatment if you get acne early — between 8 and 12 years old. If someone in your family had acne cysts and nodules, you also should see a dermatologist if you get acne. Treating acne before cysts and nodules appear can prevent scars.